Charleston, SC
Mr. Scribbler tagged me to do this "Twenty Five Things" exercise on Facebook. Groan. Twenty five is a lot of thinking. It's strained my little brain.
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. I'll think of a few people to tag and come back to add them. Meanwhile, consider yourself tagged and get to work! This is how we should do resumes.
1. I once failed a Septic Tank Inspector's exam in West Virginia.
2. I used to help deliver babies in Hurricane, a small town close to Charleston, WVa. A few years later I was delivering babies during a Hurricane (Hugo) in Charleston, SC
3. I took English as a second language and didn't bother to do very well at it. Ha!
4. When Charleston Magazine featured Ten Beautiful People of the Millennium in 2000, I was "Generosity"
5. I'd only seen three movies in my life before I turned 17. Now I happily watch that many in a week.
6. I wanted a job whistling for the Andy Griffith show.
7. I've had more smallpox vaccinations than anyone you know.
8. I was sleeping on a cot in the cheapest hotel in Kabul the night the old King was deposed.
9. I used to walk three miles to school in the rainiest place in the world.
10. I eat a handful of baby carrots for breakfast each morning.
11. Another job I would have considered was painting Indian buses.
12. I love reading the newspaper every morning even if I've already checked
the news online.
13. I get a such a kick out of Craigslist's Missed Connections and if I recognize someone I try to get the message to them.
14. I doodle all over a Styrofoam cup with a ballpoint pen in meetings.
15. The words "sub committee" and "by laws" put me into a coma.
16. I'm a really bad sport about team building games.
17. I'd probably lose ten pounds if I stopped eating cheese.
18. I don't like driving so I try to be the most agreeable passenger.
19. When I was a kid my mother treated head lice by soaking our heads in kerosene, wrapping towels around us and telling us not to get too close to the coal stove.
20. I love the HBO polygamy show Big Love. Are they nuts?
21. Picnics! I love picnics!
22. I had gray hair in my twenties. Oh well.
23. I used to make a pet monkey wear a doll's Red Riding Hood cape so he could be Super Monkey.
24. I had braids long enough to tuck in my belt as a teenager.
25. If I never have to paint another room it will be too soon. Uuugh.