06 September 2009

On the road - Portland, Oregon

Redwoods, California

Some people drive through, but I am a walker, right? We paid $4 for our drive through photo op. Had to do it.

Back in Portland being completely lazy. Adjusting to the time change flying east is going to be a bit of a shocker. Yesterday we ate a big fat brunch and I wandered all afternoon seeing Velveteria the black velvet painting museum, the 24 hour roadside church of Elvis museum, ate a doughnut at the VooDoo Doughnut shop (the magic is in the hole!) and ended at a crepe restaurant for dinner. Yummers.

I fly back tomorrow so will get back on track with the Charleston Daily Photo as usual. I was hoping they would get the dreaded Joint Commission hospital survey over with while I was away but it seems they haven't. Wonder if I can take another week or two off?


JanetLee said...

Dear Joint Commission: The pain of your inspection can't be worse than the pain of the preparation for your inspection. If I stab myself in the thigh with a fork, will you just get it over with? Thank you. Signed, Just a Peon.

Lowell said...

You are having way tooo much fun! Heck yeah, take another week. Take two!

I've not been to the redwoods, but my folks had pictures (must have been from the late 20s or early 30s) similar to yours...

Charlestonjoan said...

JanetLee - isn't the the truth. I really thought it would happen while I was away. Sigh.

Jacob - Wish I could! We work too hard in this country.