East Bay St., Charleston, S.C. |
This is a pretty section of East Bay St. often called Rainbow Row because of the pretty and varied colors.
A month or so ago I asked your advice about a furniture purchase. I had in my mind to buy a
silver chest/cabinet. After considering everyone's input and balancing my whims of the day, I decided on selection #5 from
Vivaterra. It was a major purchase for me and I've been counting the days until I could set it place.
Easy no? Not so.
The freight delivery company sent a link to a webpage to pick a delivery date. I happily selected the day after I returned from vacation and planned a bonus day off. I was called by the delivery company in Columbia while I was in Chicago wanting to deliver it the next day. They laughed at the fact that I had selected a delivery day online.
Hahah, they said!
We don't know why THEY let you think you can chose a delivery option. We don't even go to Charleston on Mondays. Double hahahahah.
I told them not to return my chest and called when I got back to arrange a day. They called me THREE times to confirm last Wednesday. I sat at home from 3 - 7 pm in my assigned delivery window. Hahah on me. When I called the next morning they wondered why I thought I was getting a delivery? My chest was still in Atlanta.
Why had I even called them, they wondered. They had no chest for me.
Fast forward another week and I was to be available today from 4 - 8. They called, showed up promptly and whipped my package into the house. They tore off the first corner of the box, pronounced it damaged, boxed my baby back up and took it away. They teased me with a flash of silver and whisked it away.
I need to stick with used furniture stores as is my custom. Hahah. It does look purty though doesn't it?