Duncan St., Charleston, S.C.
Isn't this the most perfect hideaway spot?
Wish me luck! I am hosting a luncheon for 125 volunteers. Being the hostess front and center at the podium is outside of my usual comfort zone so lets hope I pull it all off with style.
The Post & Courier was kind enough to print a little article I wrote yesterday for volunteer week. Thank you! You can find it here: Volunteers Make this City Work.
Ooops. Just remembered I have to sign 125 certificates. Y'all have a good day and stay dry.
I check Charleston news every day - our son and daughter-in-law live there and it's our favorite city. Yesterday, I was checking the paper and started to go to another site when I saw "Joan!" That was a great article you wrote and I think it will let people realize how important volunteerism can be to any city. What I enjoy most about your blog (I've been a fan for a long, long time) is that you show the full picture of Charleston - not just pretty pictures but the people, the way of life and the amazing nature. It's the best!
Someone ought to organize a faery wedding immediately - you've found the perfect venue!
Your landscape shots are always awesome, Joan!
Mom had a great time at the luncheon. You rock.
I am certain it will all go exceedingly well.
Saw your article in the P&C! What a wonderful write up! And what wonderful work you do!
Love following your blog...
de - thank you so much! I quickly learned how many people still read the paper ;)
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