Tradd St., Charleston, S.C.
I am going to keep loading you up with flower pictures for the time being.
I mentioned a few weeks ago that the hospital had asked me to participate in one of their commercials. I had done it before and it was fun. Last time I played the wife of a tv gentleman who had a rash on his arm. This time? I play Miss Incontinent Charleston. Yikes!
The spots are to start playing this month so I may as well give you a heads up. I know I will be hearing about this. People will probably lay down a towel before they let me sit. People - I am NOT incontinent! I am playing a role.
Here is the link:Commercials. Scroll down to Commercials and then select Burning Question #3. My only line is: "When I laugh, I leak!"
If you go to page 2 of the Commercials and choose "Need a Doctor Today" you can see the old one.
I am hoping that people will be so distracted by my long hair that they won't hear what I am saying. Right? Right?
Joan, it's a great commercial! You look beautiful and adorable! I hope no one gives you to much leak-grief. ;)
Bad call, Joan. As Warren Buffet says, it takes twenty years to build a retutation and five to lose it. Be prepared for people to bring Depends to your house instead of wine.
Got to admit, did a double take on the post title.
Hahah! I told them they should have given me my raise AFTER I was asked to play this role. Sheeesh.
Jack - I am expecting a lot of that.
Beach Bum - at least it isn't constipation or vaginitis, right?
First zombies, now incontinence?
Doesn't matter if you, shall we say, drip a bit -- you're so sweet and pretty you can come see me anytime!
Oh, and do give me some advance notice so I can get out the plastic covers for the furniture....
I suppose the subject matter could have been worse. I hope people don't tease you too much. :)
JUST giggles and giggles..LOL
Knew this was going to come back and haunt you!
You look gorgeous with your hair down. Now, let's see. What did you say?
Yes, but... you're laughing DURING THE COMMERCIAL...
Ha! Seriously, your hair looks great, you look great, and I think you ROCK.
"Miss Incontinent Charleston"....Don't those kinds of titles usually come with scholarships, personal appearance gigs, etc? Could be a gold mine, Joan. :)
quite the blog title. After talking about naked women (statues) in my garden Google had me up a #1 site for "naked women garden".... I had a lot of disappointed searchers! You'll be not only known in town as the face of incontinence, but you'll be forever googled as too! :)
btw, I could swear there was a Seinfeld episode about this very thing...
I like your picture of the dragon gate, not to change the subject or anything :^)
Thanks Doug!
It hardly seems fair, does it? I finally get hair and make up help and this is what it is for? Sheeesh.
Just saw Whoopi Goldberg doing a commercial for Poise...
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