I am always amazed at the delight a pretty girl with a tiara and sash can bring, but she does! Valarie Kobrovsky - Miss Charleston USA was an honorary volunteer at the hospital for Valentine's Day and I get such a kick out watching people brighten up and reach out to her. She graciously passed out candy treats (valentine fortune cookies), judged the cupcake contest, shared hugs and posed for pictures all over the hospital and she did it in three inch heels!
Thanks Valarie - you made a lot of people happy today. Valarie is nearing the end of her year long reign as Miss Charleston and we'll soon be seeing her as the Wrangler Jeans model. Thanks to Randall Dukes for making the connection for us!
She is beautiful!
She really is. She is already supporting herself as a model. I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more of her. Thanks for dropping by Jordan!
I don't care if she is Miss Charleston. You need to take her to McCrady's and put some meat on those bones!
Catalyst - that is too funny!
Once again, you day shift workers have all the fun...
I adore your inspiring good news stories; the anti negative news bulletin. And that collection of valentines cupcakes looks scrummy!!
Joan - nevermind Twiggy - you look great! I can definitely see your boop-boop-be-doop roots showing. 8-)
Well, you are just as adorable in my opinion.
That girls got some legs on her. I love your Valentines outfit Joan.
Doug - You have to make your own fun!
maggsworld - you wouldn't believe the amazing cupcakes that showed up. Wow!
Marcheline - too funny!
Brattcat - Thank you :)
Kristen - I need to buy more red outfits for all these heart related events.
What a lovely young lady! And you gave her the opportunity to brighten up some lives! You are lovely too!!
I vote for the petite one with the chin dimple and the striped shirt. The tall one in the red dress ain't bad, either. :)
She is, of course, beautiful. I know it is her job and her responsibility to make appearances like this, but I admire her for doing it well and apparently enjoying it.
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