Charleston, S.C.
I woke up on this birthday morning feeling a sad loss. I used to have a ninety six year old gentleman who made it his business to plan my birthday each year and he passed away last summer. Parties were such a delight to him that we celebrated his birthday with cake and punch for his memorial service after he was gone.
I didn't need to worry! I work with such wonderful people. I was supposed to go to a meeting at Roper Hospital at ten this morning and called to say that, although it didn't mean anything to them, my birthday is like a state holiday at St. Francis Hospital and I just couldn't attend the meeting. Heheh. Two cakes, two bottles of wine (ssshhh!), chocolates, balloons, flowers and so many cards and facebook messages later it's been a perfect day. I even came home to find a can of white marine paint to paint my canoe. Thanks Tom, Dianna, Carol, Lynne and everyone who made it so much fun!
I had dinner out with my son at Fuel last night, go to see the Putnam County Spelling Bee at the Dock St. this evening, dinner at Husk tomorrow night and the ballet on Saturday. Not a bad birthday week at all! Wow. Thank you everyone!
Wishing you a birthday filled with as much happiness as you bring everyone else, Joan!
(If that's even possible....)
Happy, happy birthday, Joan. You must blog a review of Husk after your meal there.
You are PRICELESS and AGELESS!!! Happy Birthday, Joan you are an awesome blogger! Connie
Thanks folks! It's been a fun day.
Catalyst - this will be my first time there. I am slipping!
Happy Birthday Weekend, you day shifters have too much fun!!! Enjoy all of your special activities. :)
Happy Birthday, Joan!!
Happy Happy Birthday, belated or not!
Happy belated birthday! It was my birthday, too! I read your blog almost every day to get my Charleston fix between visits, but I got behind while out of town for a conference. Hope the day was happy! :)
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