21 October 2010

Where to stay Charleston - Andrew Pinckney Inn

Andrew Pinckney Inn, Pinckney St., Charleston, S.C.

I figured the "where to stay" theme was worth continuing since I had this neat shot of the Andrew Pinckney Inn.

Carol Hannah of Project Runway fame named this dress after the street I live on. This one is the Gadsden St. dress and this one is Queen St.

Check out this Craigslist ad for a bike.Too funny.

I've been everywhere today, from the Retired & Senior Volunteer Luncheon at the Rifle Club (thanks Pam!), to trying to squeeze our health system's entire business office staff into one photo, back to my office again to try to catch up, then to James Island for Zumba class.

You may not have noticed but I haven't taken a real vacation this year. I just booked Thanksgiving week in San Francisco with my daughter. Woohoo! Where should I stay? What must I see? Exciting. I ain't never been to San Francisco before.

Southwest Airlines announced bargain flights from Charleston for folks ready to make plans.

I need to get to bed, kids. Turn the lights out.


Randy said...

Nice looking place! I remember that dress too.

Commander Zaius said...
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Commander Zaius said...

Now only if Southwest was flying to the Keys from Charleston that would have me bouncing off the walls.

Namrata said...

The black outfit is the best.Cheers to you & all who reside on Vanderhorst Street!

Charlestonjoan said...

Thanks Randy and Namrata.
Beach Bum - I like the sound of a ticket war.

Anonymous said...

How picturesque

KIT said...

I recommend taking the Ferry over to Tibouron if the weather is nice, and taking a walk on Belvedere island. It all depends on what you like to do, it's all here. I've never done Alcatraz, but I understand it's a must see.

Waldo Lydecker's Journal said...

See the Museum of Modern Art, and, if you can, dash over the bridge to Muir Woods. You cannot imagine a redwood forest till you've seen it.

Charlestonjoan said...

Kit, Waldo - thank you! I am very excited and taking notes.

Anonymous said...

There are a several Basque restaurants in SF, one I think is in North Beach--I know you are an adventurous eater! This would be a good time to try.

GA Farmer said...

When in San Francisco you gotta eat breakfast at Dotties True Blue Cafe on Jones St. Get there no later than 7am on weekends or plan on waiting an hour for a seat. The wait is worth it however.

Charlestonjoan said...

Thank you! I am sharing a google document with my daughter so we can both keep adding things to do.

Anonymous said...

Nice Site. I like to visit again this
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