03 January 2009

Across the Drug Store Counter

Calhoun St, Charleston, SC

My pictures have nothing to do with content. More often than not they are from the day's walk. This one was taken over the churchyard fence.

I stopped on my walk yesterday to have a few photos printed out at one of the drug store's instant machines. The gal behind the counter looked at me wearily, clearly hoping I'd figure it out on my own. I did fine until the machine stopped printing the order halfway through and needed more paper. She sighed, got up and apologized for her slowness to respond.

I'm pregnant.


Nooooooooooooooooo. Uhuh. No.

We were alone, and over the next few minutes talked through her sudden shock of learning she was pregnant after having her tubes tied eight years ago, having a baby when you didn't want to, crippling postpartum depression, unwilling partners, tough times, abortions, adoption, taking the best care of an unborn child you didn't want, hoping you'd find a family who wanted a baby and would give it a good life.

By the time my pictures had spit out all over the floor we were holding each other across the photo register counter and trying to put a brave face on the fact that if she followed through with her inclination that day, it may well be the happiest day of an unknown couple's life. Sheesh. I'm tearing up just thinking of all she'll have to go through. Even in a country with choices life can be ever so tough can't it?

If you are so inclined, say a little prayer for drug store photo shop gals with hard decisions. I might slip my best wishes in an envelope with a dollar amount, stop back by and see if I can find her again.


Anonymous said...

Prayer on the way. I hope she makes a good decision. Maybe you could keep us posted on how she's doing and what she decided?


Anonymous said...

Lowandslow: How kind you are. If I can follow up with her I sure will. She has been on my mind.