10 March 2016

Springing forward

College of Charleston, Charleston, SC   
Sunday night we turn the clocks forward and lose a precious hour of our weekends. I read a suggestion that the change time be moved to Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. Bingo - early out on a work day!


William Kendall said...

Daylight savings... someone throttle the nimwit who thinks it still matters!

Paul said...

Grrrr! I wish that they'd just do away with that nonsense!

William Kendall said...

That's what I get for typing while tired... I meant nitwit!

Catalyst said...

Here in Arizona we've never had DST. I'm right glad, too, because I heard on the news last night that it raises the incidence of heart attacks and strokes!

Denton said...

Love Charleston and the photos you share. Thanks for the reminder of the time shift