14 August 2014

100 Objects, 100 Days in Orangeburg County

Muffler Man, Holly Hill, S.C.
The Orangeburg Times And Democrat is featuring a series called, "Orangeburg County: 100 objects, 100 days," featuring the stories of 100 objects in Orangeburg County. I am familiar with many of them but have never seen Valentine's Cotton Gin & Country Store and I certainly haven't seen the old Coffee Pot diner since it was refurbished.

I don't believe they have finished their 100 items yet so I am here to nominate old Muffler Man in Holly Hill who always has a friendly wave as I pass by and the never open when I am there, Tea Pot museum in Elloree.

What else needs to be included? I know I have friends haunting the back roads of Orangeburg County. Thanks to reporter Martha Rose Brown for leading me to the interesting series.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Well that is a good way to make use of old material!