25 November 2013

Being Thankful

Thanksgiving, Charleston, S.C.
Thanksgiving thoughts are even more meaningful in a hospital. A roll of paper was laid out with colored markers inviting people to write their thoughts for Thanksgiving. Every time I walked by the paper was full and a new stretch rolled out.

I've been a bit of a blogging slacker lately folks. Feel free to join me on Facebook if you are on it. Sometimes I tend to toss up a quick photo there. 


William Kendall said...

Very good thoughts for this time of year!

Marcheline said...

I'm thankful for a) good blogs like this to read and b) that there are people like you in the world! (Not in that order.)

Pixel Peeper said...

What a great idea, the roll of paper. I'm sure that reading what other people are thankful for will inspire some to think of their own things to be grateful for.

Charlestonjoan said...

It is nice to see folks who are appreciative.

Charlestonjoan said...

Yay! Back at ya Marcheline! Happy thanksgiving.

Charlestonjoan said...

It was a good idea. They laid it out on a table by the cafeteria.