30 July 2013


Reflections, King St., Charleston, S.C.
I've been missing a few posts recently. Got hooked on the House of Cards series and have been wallowing in a gluttony of evening tv watching. It's like eating candy when you get introduced to a new show and have the entire season laying there in front of you. One more, just one more. Yum. Kevin Spacey is so very good.

Would someone please remind me that I have to be at work before 7 a.m. for a fundraising cookware sale? Yawn. I can do it.


Kate said...

What an interesting photo (top)! Most unusual.

Catalyst said...

Oh, Joan, I know just what you're talking about. We, too, are gluttonously going through House of Cards.

Charlestonjoan said...

Thanks Kate. The longer you take pictures the more you search for some new angle.

Charlestonjoan said...

Oh, isn't it good? Kevin Spacey is so bad he is good.