Charleston, S.C.
Made it! I didn't sleep much last night and was awake to turn the alarm off at 5 a.m., then nodded off only to leap out of bed at 5:36 remembering that I was supposed to start hiking at 6 a.m. from Roper Hospital. No leisurely tea and toast this morning. We were so lucky that the rain last night settled the smokey haze and cooled things off just a little. It wasn't bad at all.
I made good time and met a couple of friends who stationed themselves along the way (thanks Tom, John and Dianna!). I was tickled at the Local Coffee shop on Hwy 61 to find that they had dressed the mannequin in my honor (thanks Leah and Chase!). While I was walking eight miles to work, my CEO Allen Carroll was riding his bike from Mt. Pleasant Hospital, about thirty five miles away. We knew he had been sent off in style but hadn't heard from him since.
I arrived in about two hours as expected but there was no sign of him. Since this was eleven months to the day since his serious bike accident I was worried and very much relieved when he called to say he was fine. If something had happened to him I would have had to pack up and leave the state. We had hooked him up with a helmet cam to record his ride and it turns out he got carried away recording interesting sights along the way. He rode the bridge, rainbow row, the battery - anything to make his video more interesting. I had to laugh.
The hospital had a fun reception committee with balloons, a recycled medal for me and the ambulance waiting to resuscitate us. Heheh. It was a fun little prank that has already raised over $2,000 for the American Heart Association. I took a shower in the Rehab Gym and now have to do a little work before we head for a celebratory Happy Hour at O'Charley's across the street.
I love working with such fun creative people.
Congratulations to both of you, esp in your fetching attire!!
Good for you!
So fun and wonderful!!!
Charlotte Anderson
You go girl! That shot of you is terrific. You look so vibrant after your 8 mile hike : )
Congratulations to you both. Thank you for the smiles this provided for me as I caught up on those I love to share a journey through life amongst ( of whom you are one!!) How blessed a journey to have such a great crowd as work companions!!) Congratulations to you both!!! I love the ambulance on standby tough!!
Kate - thank you! I was soaking wet but luckily it didn't show in the photo.
Jess - Thanks! Fun day.
Charlotte - Do I get a pass for missing the meeting? :)))
bfarr - Thank you!
maggsworld - Thank you! I won in time but the biker is sneaking ahead in donations. Yeah, the ambulance was a fun addition - rascals :)
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