08 May 2011

Happy Mother's Day Ladies!

Thomas St., Charleston, S.C.

Happy Mother's Day ladies! I took this photo on Mother's Day years ago around the corner from my house but I imagined the lady of the house in bed waiting for someone to bring her up the flowers and newspapers with her breakfast.

The Shoebox Blog - which always cracks me up, has: Advice From Their Moms

NEIL ARMSTRONG: “Take a jacket. It gets chilly up there on the moon at night.”

GEORGE CUSTER: “Wear clean underwear, just in case you have to get treated for sudden arrow holes.”

BARACK OBAMA: “Keep that birth certificate in a safe place. You never know when you might need it.”

LADY GODIVA: “Leave it long.”

COLUMBUS: “Sit down. Your friends can wait until you finish your geography.”

Unfortunately, my kids are out of town and I have to clean up and paint an apartment for a new tenant. Blah. Scrubbing a toilet and spackling nail holes are not my preferred way to celebrate.


Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Looks like this mother took the whole weekend off. More than one newspaper laying there.

Charlestonjoan said...

Maybe she is still laying there waiting? Should I go back and check? ;)

Kate said...

Your Mother's day activities sounds like a typical day for Mom's...doing the work! Hope that you congratulate yourself for all the years you put in with your darlins'!!

Lowandslow said...

Happy Mother's Day to you and all the moms out there. :)