Philadelphia Alley, Charleston, S.C.
I ended my day at a meeting in town and arrived home in time to walk while it was still light out which is a treat. I googled Philadelphia Alley to link you to some general info of this quaint little lane and came up with a picture I took myself a few years ago - thank you Google! Then I happened upon another picture I took on this blog describing a trip to Charleston. Photos do get around!
I have a carrot cake in the oven for a birthday treat tomorrow and it is smelling pretty good in here. Yum.
Love the Palmetto palm sculpture and the little man. Some very creative people must live along that alley.
Oh, yum! Carrot cake! I'll be right there!
It was good, if I say so myself. This cooking and baking business is such a production when you get out of the habit of doing it every day but I haven't lost my touch. Yum!
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