06 January 2011

City Market Murals

Market St., Charleston, S.C.

I featured the mural on the other end of Market and recently spotted this gentleman. Nice! I imagine it is more of the talented David Boatwright's work. The market buildings are gradually getting spruced up.

It has been a day of end of the year reports and counting numbers. One of my volunteers was at loose ends today and started cleaning MY office. Shock and awe! Brave lady.


brattcat said...

love all the brick. i grew up with brick buildings but here in new england we have mostly wood-frame.

Anonymous said...

The improvements to the market are wonderful, but did anyone else question why the Christmas Tree was not there this year?

Charlestonjoan said...

Maybe it was because the construction is still going on this year. They will probably want to attract attention to the area by next Christmas so perhaps the tree will be back.