12 November 2010

Charleston Garden Club Gift

West Ashley Cancer Center garden, Charleston, S.C.

I walked over to the opening of the West Ashley Cancer Center this morning just in time to catch the Charleston Garden Club dedicating the garden project they have been working on. Members of the Garden Clubs gathered and formally "gave" the garden over to the hospital. It was lovely. The idea is that patients receiving chemo could enjoy the garden while they are there for treatment. It appeared to be a project dear to many of their hearts. What a lovely gift.

Today the garden was blooming entirely in pink flowers and I believe this sculpture represents the shape of a petal.


Anonymous said...

The sculpture reminds me of a tulip.... but it could also be arms upraised in prayer...it speaks hope to me. What a gift.

Ron Mylar said...

Gardens must be decorated with some unique available things such that they can be praised by anyone. I like whole of the concept.