19 August 2009

Wednesday Funny

Charleston, S.C.

Hmmmm....Felix St. I think. I need to start carrying a notepad when I walk.

Quick funny this evening from Miss Cellania

Bubba At The Revival

Bubba goes to the revival and listens to the preacher. After a while, the preacher asks anyone with needs to come forward and be prayed over.

Bubba gets in line and when it's his turn the preacher says, "Bubba, what you want me to pray about? "

Bubba says, "Preacher, I need you to pray for my hearing."

So the preacher puts one finger in Bubba's ear and the other hand on top of his head and prays a while. After a few minutes, he removes his hands and says, "Bubba, how's your hearing now?"

Bubba says, "I don't know preacher, it's not until next Wednesday."


Petrus said...

Like the bike - great shot .. someone has gone to a lot of trouble with the flowers .

Unknown said...

Joan, what a cool blog..I googled "Cool Charleston bloggers" and you were the first one on the list! I agree!
I love the garage door quilt, the grafitti and of course Hanks!!!
Have a great day,

Charlestonjoan said...

Petrus: I wish my window boxes looked that pretty.

Mandy: Thank you! I don't mind that at all!

Jacob: Flower power!