01 July 2009

Theme Day - Empty

Charleston, SC

The first of each month is Theme Day for the Daily Photo community and participants from all over the world are posting pictures that represent the word "Empty" in some way. It was too dark when I got home to hunt for a picture today but I had this one in my album file and thought it might suit. Either someone wasn't happy with their tip or someone stole a tip jar.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Lowell said...

This is super. I'd vote for someone stealing the tip jar. Whatever, though, a great post!

Anonymous said...

I like it!!

Greg said...

An interesting choice for the theme day, very different!

I vote for someone rebelling against the standard of service with an act of defiance against the tips jar (got to start small after all!)

becomingkate said...

Dang thieves!

Windviel said...

The theft of tip jars is not uncommon on the peninsula where foot traffic is dense and identification is often difficult. More often the bum just reaches in, grabs the bill and bolts. If he takes the jar it is quickly tossed. On the other hand one wonders why tips are expected when a business is all self service, nothing is prepared for or brought out to the customer and only a cashier is present. Irrational guilt is the pressure with which they further shake down the customer. Don't give into it unless you are swept away with gratitude for receiving correct change. With the absurdly high prices you pay in Charleston there can be no room for customer guilt.

Anonymous said...

Not only is the jar empty, it also appears to be broken as well...

I might as well offer my tip...

Time to get a new tip jar!