Charleston, SC
We haven't dipped into the Black Cab file for a while. British taxis and palm trees in the same picture make me smile.
Lazy woman's flower garden. Click your curser to grow a flower bed.
Last week I posted before and after pictures of this renovation project on Vanderhorst St. Yesterday I noticed that the construction workers autographed their work on the pavement. They inscribed the wet cement as "100% Mexico".
This might be the perfect container for sugar and flour here in giant palmetto bugland.
Early this month, I featured Geoff, our quirky British blogger/videographer who took off aiming to drive to every town in the US that had a name matching one of the London Underground stations. All was going well until he was robbed of expensive camera and video equipment along the way. Lowcountry bloggers quickly spread the word and set up a paypal donation site to keep the project going. Here is the link to his blog and more information on how to help.
I am off to my corner of the couch. Don't stay up too late.
I just had to bookmark the garden site :-)
Doug - I know. At first I thought it would be grand fun for a child and then I couldn't stop growing flowers.
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