02 March 2009

You know you are from Charleston if.......

Model A Club crossing the Cooper River Bridge, Charleston, S.C.

These are just a few of over 600 entries on the Facebook "You know you are from Charleston, S.C. if..........." site:

You know you are from Charleston, S.C. if....

The smell of a marsh makes you homesick.
You eat rice with every meal.
You don't understand cities that have to keep electing new mayors.
You've mowed your lawn on Christmas.
You've killed a cockroach with your bare hand.
Unless a cockroach is bigger than your hand, it's just a baby - no big deal.
The construction signs say "Let 'Em Work, Let 'Em Live"
You've seriously considered climbing on top of the Coburg Cow to take a picture.
It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy.
You get excited when you see a guy selling boiled peanuts out the back of a pickup.
You know not to pick up the orange "Half Rubbers with flags" that are found in the puddles on downtown streets.
People actually grow and eat okra.
You know exactly when high tide is - even if you don't own a boat.
You've driven over all the Cooper River Bridges.



Anonymous said...

You know you are from Charleston, S.C. if....
you order tea and NEVER expect it to be hot and in a teapot.

Charlestonjoan said...

Denise: That order does raise eyebrows although not quite as much lately I've found.

Anonymous said...

I give up.... What's a "bo"? (or who, or where?)

Dale, Atlanta

JanetLee said...

Um...you've actually ridden the Coburg Cow at three a.m...not that I've done such a thing (that can be proven).

JanetLee said...

You think pluff mud smells good.

Anonymous said...

You can give an insult, and it's taken as a compliment

Charlestonjoan said...

Anon: I am getting local experts to weight in, bo.

JanetLee! You did not! You are my hero!

Anon: as long as you end with "bless your heart" right :)