Calhoun St., Charleston, SC
I hold back a lot of good graffiti so as to not promote vandalism but this one was painted on temporary scaffolding so I'll let it slide.
It's bright and sunny out there, kids, time for me to get out walking and survey my territory.
Dunno about that. Is the Dalai Lama's burger any good?
Doug - Ha! That cracked me up. Maybe they meant to write "Deli Lamma" Burger.
Hi! Love this image!
LOL, cute. :)
That is too good! Just saw a HGTV special on a guy named Pearl with a fab garden in SC...and they said the state motto is "While I breathe, I hope." Loved that. (I believe the New York state motto is "While they raise my taxes, I kvetch" but maybe that's just me).
I can't help myself. I just love graffiti.
Bath, Labetine, Thanks!
Susan - I have been to his garden! Isn't it amazing? I may sneak out of the "Charleston" theme and post a few of them.
Mike - Sigh. I do but I get very angry at the destruction of property. I have had my own house sprayed and had to paint it. I try not to glorify that but I love the cleverness of most of it.
Agree about the graffiti in general, but this is good. Would make a great bumper sticker...
Would that it were so...
Less drama, more Lama - works for me!
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