Broad & East Bay St., Charleston, SC
I am not allowed to make pralines when I am alone. House rules. Some people can't drink alone but it's brown sugar, cream and butter I can't be trusted with. I had friends over before one of the comedy festival shows a few weeks ago so the rules were off. As long as I make them for other people and then eat the leftovers it's cool. If guests only eat two and I eat the rest of the batch it wasn't premeditated so it doesn't count.
Charleston Pralines
2 cups firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup whipping cream
1/4 cup water
2 tbsp. butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract
dash of salt
2 cups coarsely chopped pecans
Combine the sugar, whipping cream and water in a heavy saucepan; bring to a boil - stirring constantly. Reduce heat to medium and cook stirring occasionally, until the mixture reaches soft ball stage (236 degrees). Remove from heat, stir in butter, vanilla and salt. Beat with a lucky wooden spoon until mixture is creamy and begins to thicken. Stir in the pecans. Work quickly to drop by teaspoons on to a greased wax paper or foil. Cool. Scrape the pot. Lick the spoon. Yum.
If you toast the pecans for a few minutes in a warm oven it takes the chill off and makes it easier to mix them in with the candy.
If you don't have company coming over any time soon, Market St. Sweets has praline samples out and that helps. Sometimes a taste is all you need. It's on my regular walking route so I have to wear disguises. Hair up, hair down, french braid, ball cap. Stick on mustache. I don't want to appear greedy. My goodness! Free samples today?! Thank you! How kind.
seems yummy..!!
Would it help if you sent most of the batch up to a sister in Canada. I might have found another loop hole for you.
I used to love Aunt Sallie's Pralines in New Orleans, right behind Cafe DuMonde on Jackson Square. I wonder if it survived the hurricane? If not, there's your chance to take your praline-makin' talents big-time. :)
Oh my. I bet you could add chocolate to that #:^P
Hey Japee! Thanks for the recipe!
Marcheline - Aaah...come back and thank me after you make them.
Anon - I've seen them with flavors but have not myself messed with anything so sacred.
lowandslow - They probably have exactly the same recipe there.
Anon - I think it is a legal loophole. I'll get right on it, eh.
magiceye - Oh, it is!
Sacred, eh? So, in a pinch you could post a photo of Market St. Sweets as a "Church Photo in Lieu of Attendance".
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