17 July 2017

Walk with me - West Ashley Greenway

West Ashley Greenway, Charleston, SC    
I often walk the east end of the West Ashley Greenway popping out at the South Windermere shopping plaza but this was the first time to drive to the south trail end off Main Rd. and walk in from the direction. The tide was out and I passed folks carrying fishing rods and clearly set up for a morning of crabbing. It was never crowded but I saw dogs, bikes and babies on this beautiful stretch of trail.

I was in search of a tree that people have been throwing their sneakers on to. I heard it was on the part of the path but although I walked for a couple of miles I never spotted it. Phewy. I need to find the other access spots further in and try again. Meanwhile I got my 10,000 steps in and saw beautiful scenery. Well worth a visit.

Edit to add the picture below. I walked all that distance to find the tree with all the shoes tossed over branches, gave up and walked out. A kind reader on Facebook suggested that I look closely on the photo above. I was standing right under the tree in question. Duh me. I assume the original image that sparked my interest had been taken in the winter without all the foliage on the tree. 


William Kendall said...

What a pretty path to follow!

Marcheline said...

Pretty! Where I live, people throw *other* people's shoes over electric lines by the road. Apparently it's a "thing".

Anonymous said...

If one stops to think about it, this tossing of the shoe is so disrespectful to the environment and to the tree. It detracts from the beauty of the landscape and just demonstrates the thoughtlessness of the former shoe owner. Trashing up a public space like that is so juvenile, their parents have not taught them to respect public property.
There is a tree in Washington D C across the street or near the Ford theater it is covered with wads of chewed gum with pennies stuck to the wads of gum. It is so disgusting. Stupid is as stupid does, according to Forrest Gump.

Anonymous said...

The "thing" is being a bully. Taking something that does not belong to you is a thing called Theft. Also in some social circles, this shoe- thing is a marker for gang activity, this thing is called scoring drugs. How about them apples!