Charleston, S.C.
I've been coming home to dramatic changes. My house looks better every day. My brother Jim is a whirlwind of efficiency and is making the most of his Charleston visit painting my house. It is a big old barn to paint but it is coming along nicely. He still has the wicked high peak of the house to do tomorrow which makes me nervous. It gives me butterflies in the stomach just to think of climbing that high. I ordered a climbing harness for safety.
I can't imagine painting in this heat myself but he hasn't complained so far. I even cooked him a big dinner tonight.
I love painting. I could sit and watch other's do it for hours. *sigh*
Amen. I've painted enough to last me the rest of my life. Yuck.
I have trouble coming down the attic stairs, much less hanging outside on a ladder in the wind with both hands in the air. Makes me nervous through the internet!
Thankfully my house is brick, so no safety harnesses for me or anyone else... but that leaves the interior walls, which are still "rental cheapo white" (we were tenants here before we bought the place). I've been jonesing to paint the walls, but they are absolutely covered with framed pictures and furniture... the thought of having to move all that stuff is what's daunting. Wish I could invite Harry Potter over for an afternoon...
Nice legs!!!
I think he needs a little "juice" with that big meal you served him. What a great brother!!
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