Magnolia Plantation & Garden, Charleston, SC |
I believe everyone in South Carolina has been inside on this lovely afternoon happily watching basketball. I think I can hear cheering from Columbia all the way in Charleston :).
The recent cold spell damaged the usual dramatic azalea show but something is always blooming at
Magnolia Plantation. I walked through with friends this morning and for the first time took the nature boat ride through the old rice paddies. Years ago we used to canoe through that thick gator soup. Yikes.
We walked the floral garden and did a quick stroll through the Audubon swamp walk where the rookery is coming to life and the tree branches are turning into over populated egret and heron nesting apartment complexes full of happy chaos.
My friend Rosie's weekend guest was on break from nursing in a maternity hospital in Uganda joined us and I had a great time listening to all of her stories. My companions were both religious Sisters so I believe I can safely skip church again this week. Heheh.
We capped off the morning by making it to
Angel Oak restaurant for a late brunch and polished off hot beignets as an appetizer. It's a tiny place but I have enjoyed every meal I've had there.