Read Brothers, Charleston, S.C.
Who uses cloth handkerchiefs any more? Not surprisingly Read Brother's on upper King St. must still have enough in stock that they can use them to decorate. Walking into Read Brother's is like entering a time warp of dusty sewing notions, toys and cloth, all next door to the stereo annex. I love this yelp review.
Their window decorations are whacky fun. If they have such a quaint and odd collection of items for sale on the shelves, I can't even imagine what is tucked away in the attic.
Monday morning is peaking around the corner, kids. Are you ready?

As thrift shop junkie, I KNOW that I would love this shop, esp after reading the review.
Every time I attend a funeral I leave wishing I had a cloth handkerchief. I think I even wrote a blog about it! I always end up with a wad of tattered tissues, which is never pretty. I have seen Read Brothers countless times but never even thought of what kind of store it was - now I HAVE TO go!! Fun!!
Kate - you would!
Pamela - Go! They just like to be asked before you start taking photos inside.
Mr. Brattcat still uses cloth kerchiefs exclusively.
I am a handkerchief collector having some 300+ in my possession. I collect mostly white, lacy ones and often use them as doilies and shelf decorations. Nothing spiffs up a chambray shirt better than a starched lace handkerchief in the front pocket. But use them for their original intent? Naw, tissues are a better choice for me.
What? Some people don't use handkerchiefs any more? I didn't get the memo!
brattcat - really?! that sounds sweetly eccentric now :)
Beverly - Wow! That is an impressive collection! When I was young I use to tat handmade lace and made quite a few handkerchiefs. How odd to think of that now.
Sweetly eccentric describes Mr. Brattcat perfectly though he would deny it.
My husband and his three brothers all carry hankies. I only do to weddings and funerals, so my husband's hankie comes in handy quite often.
I absolutely adore that retro teal color on some of those hankies in the close-up pic. I started my own collection of vintage linens a few years ago, and while I intended it to be only table cloths and dish towels, somehow it extended to hankies and scarves, as well. Vive le joie de retro!
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