Old Gaillard Rd., S.C.
Usually when you see smoke ahead of you on the road it turns out to be a farmer burning leaves at the roadside but not in this case. The unfortunate couple said they pulled over when they noticed smoke coming from from under the hood and in moments the whole vehicle was in full flames. They couldn't believe their eyes.
Thank goodness the passengers got out safely. Firefighters were in the scene in minutes and had the blaze under control. This happened on Old Gaillard Rd. not too far from Eutawville.
In other news - yeah, I am back online! The Comcast gentleman just left after replacing my modem. Once they actually get here they are very nice and helpful. It's getting to them that makes me completely insane.

That had to be scary for the owners. Spontaneous combustion...
Glad everyone is safe...
I had to get a new modem recently Joan...comcast even came out on a sunday..i was impressed with their customer service.
see you tomorrow!! and Thanks again!!!
whoa, I have nightmares about that - and then my husband assured me a car can't just go up in flames for no reason - ha! Now I can worry all over again.
bfarr - I can't even imagine. The poor lady could hardly breath. she was so shaken up.
sparklesc - It's talking to them on the phone that is horrible. makes me nuts.
Susan - It was these folks worst nightmare. They couldn't believe it.
It's getting to them that makes me completely insane.
I remember the jokes made a few years back when Comcast tried to buy Disney. We are a Disney Vacation Club family and along with many others the idea of Comcast controlling Walt's place was a nightmare.
How scary! I remember about 10 years ago my sister and I were driving on I-26 and we saw a fire like that. It was an ambulance on fire! They had the patient on a gurney on the side of the road! When we passed it (@ 70mph)the heat on my face from the fire was intense. I was surprised my car window didn't burst. We turned around to see if we could help and by the time we did the firefighters and EMS had arrived.
So glad these people stopped when they did!
Good Gracious! That car is 'a blazin'!!!! So glad nobody got hurt!!
That looks like an SUV. I know they put out recalls a few years ago for Ford Explorers of a certain year that were catching on fire from a wiring problem... mebbe it's that.
In any case, it's definitely not "spontaneous combustion". Either a fuel line was leaking, or an electrical connection malfunctioned. Some vehicle fires are started when people smoke while driving - the burning ash flies back in the window when they flick it... but as this couple said the smoke originated under the hood, cigarettes are off the cause list.
Glad they got out in time, and hope they have good insurance! Too bad about their Duran Duran CD collection, though...
It is a blazin'! She did get her purse but that is all.
Pamela - we were tempted to go by but I thought it might explode.
This must be the nightmare of any one who drives. You should change your name to Lois Lane.
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