31 August 2010

Famous Charleston Quotes

Magnolia Plantation, S.C.

Scarlett: Cathleen, who's that?
Cathleen Calvert: Who?
Scarlett: That man looking at us and smiling. The nasty, dark one.
Cathleen Calvert: My dear, don't you know? That's Rhett Butler. He's from Charleston. He has the most terrible reputation.
Scarlett: He looks as if... as if he knows what I look like without my shimmy.


Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

What a great shot and an unusual spot for a statue. The Plantation looks like a great place to explore.

Darryl and Ruth : )

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rhett. Shimmies are best evaluated when off.

shim·my noun \ˈshi-mē\
Definition of SHIMMY
1[by alteration] : chemise

che·mise noun \shə-ˈmēz, sometimes -ˈmēs\
Definition of CHEMISE
1: a woman's one-piece undergarment
2: a loose straight-hanging dress

DWright1 said...

Joan, what a great shot. I have a few of statues in other odd places there. I envy you being so close.
This is indeed a great place to explore and photo. You can see the wildlife while walking, riding or boating. It's quite a trip. Plan for most of a day.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

That's where I would put a statue...in the middle of a swamp. It works tho.

Suzie said...

Hi, Joan,

Fun, fun, fun! And we love Magnolia so much! This year we bought a pass so we can just go whenever we want. I never ever tire of it!

@ bfarr - it really isn't a swamp!It is the wetlands and there is a nice little pond there that sometimes is much prettier than this! And just look at the beautiful river behind this lovely lady.

JanetLee said...

"Scarlett O'Hara wasn't beautiful, but men seldom noticed when as captivated by her charms as the Tarleton twins."

That's from memory, so not sure if it is accurate, but it is the most forgotten thing about the novel.

Charlestonjoan said...

Anon..I love the word Shimmy. :)

JanetLee - Your Mom won a big gift basket today!

Townsendtales - me too - favorite place indeed.

DWright1 - It is a photographer's heaven, isn't it?

bfarr - they have things placed all over the garden, there are surprises everywhere.