Cathedral St. John the Baptist, Broad st., Charleston, S.C.
Here's the church, and here's the steeple. Open the door and see all the people....
There should be laws against cool things being deliberately scheduled during my work day. Last week cranes lifted a giant cross up off the ground and dropped it down to create this steeple. You'd think if the church went without a steeple for a century they could have waited until I was there with my camera.
Luckily the church web site has the video. What a grand sight!
120 Years later, church gets steeple: CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) – The mother Church for the Diocese of Charleston finally has its steeple. On Monday, the new steeple was raised at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist on Broad Street, more than 120 years after the cornerstone was laid…
Ok, now they have a steeple. Has that helped the ministry of the church?
A historical church here in Portland had to take their steeple down because it was so decayed. They were an aging congregation in decline. They soon found themselves in trouble with the historical preservation people and did not have any way to get enough money together to replace the steeple. Some of the churches in Portland and some private donors donated the money to replace the steeple. Now the historical preservation people are happy again.
People do get in a twist over steeples.
People do. I'd best not address that since I don't actually attend the church, I just take pictures of it. It was the steeple dangling photo op I hated to miss.
For the benefit of photographers, the money would've been better spent burying all those overhead wires. It would take Kathie an hour to get a shot she likes of that church!
It took me a while too. Then I was trying to make neat angels with the wires and the cross.
That's a nice story and a pretty picture. Darn those schedulers, but glad the church kept a video for posterity.
I spent the month of July in the house across Legare from the Cathedral. Each day we would pass the scaffolding, filled with friendly workers, turn the corner and dodge piles of newly delivered material. It makes me happy to see the renovation done, and the steeple finally in place. :-) I can't wait to see it again.
Halcyon - Hard to believe isn't it? Seems like everything should be based on ME. :))
Donna - Lucky you! What a sight to see.
Wow! I really wish I knew about this! Well worth playing hooky to see!!
Thanks for the happy memory. Last July was our fist visit to Charleston and this was the first building we visited. My husband and I were peering up at ALL that scaffolding and remarked that the Church must be closed for renovation. At that moment, the door opened and a young man asked if we would like a tour of the Church!
I happened to be walking to a meeting I had on Broad St. the day this happened and couldn't understand what was going on until indeed I looked up and saw the dangling steeple. Saw the moment by happenstance. I was late for the meeting.
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