Waving Girl, Savannah, GA
On a recent visit down the coast to Savannah I was surprised to see that they still dry their clothes manually by waving them in the air.
Harhar. Here is the scoop:
Savannah's Waving Girl
The Waving Girl statue is a popular monument for visitors to the River Street area of Savannah, Georgia
The statue immortalizes a Savannahian named Florence Martus, who lived near the entrance to Savannah Harbor and supposedly waved to each ship that came and went -- for 44 years!
The bronze statue of Florence Martus (1869 - 1943), known as "Savannah's Waving Girl" because of her practice of waving to ships entering and leaving Savannah's harbor is located on the bluff overlooking the Savannah River at the south end of downtown Savannah's riverfront area.
Your bio of "The Waving Girl" is very interesting! Takes me back to when I was married and a Navy wife,lol.
Used to see hubby off (actually the whole giant ship!) and was there waiting, when The USS NorthHampton docked again at the Norfolk Navy Base. :) You just brought back some nice memories!
44 yrs..my, my. Interesting.
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