Bethany Cemetery, Charleston, SC
Skin diving with gas tanks you stole from a dentist.
Renting a basement apartment in Venice.
Wearing clown shoes while walking through a mine field at night.
Getting a life-size tattoo of someone your height.
Mistaking a python for your favorite tie.
Hangliding at night on the 4th of July.
Having a bowling ball dropped on your head.
Mooning some cannibals who haven't been fed.
Teasing some Scot's for wearing their kilts.
Approaching a chopper while walking on stilts.
Swimming with sharks in a suit made of meat.
Flashing yourself to a hippo in heat.
Slapping the head of a bald drunken sailor.
Telling your date's burly dad: "Five bucks says I nail her."
Paul Gilmartin
Oh heck, just listen to it. I was laughing out loud in the car on the way to work last week and had to find it for you.
HAHAHA....I laughed so hard I think I woke up the family. Well, that will teach them to get up at 5AM like me,come rain or shine. Enjoy the weekend JP:)
Heh! It was the life sized tattoo that got me :)
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