Perry siblings minus one, Ontario, Canada |
The main reason for my recent trip to Canada was to join the gathering of the Perry clan to recognize the occasion of my father's 90th birthday. He has been in failing health and suffering from Alzheimer's disease. I am so appreciative for the family members living close by and his wife Dianne who have cared for him so lovingly while others of us live far away. The top picture is of my siblings minus my brother Jim who is in India.
We had a birthday reception in the nursing home he moved to after a recent hospitalization. It melted my heart that he did indeed recognize me and certainly seemed aware that the event was in his honor. We ended the day with a feast at my brother Roger's home and gathered for our traditional group shot. I got to see a wealth of relatives in a very short visit.
Been loving your pictures of your trip North. Makes me miss home! Wish I coulda been there.
Thanks for sharing!!! Hugs!!!
That's a lot of relatives. We have a great many on my mother's side of the family.
Oh, we missed you Jesse!
It is a different life. I only have my son here with me but when I go to Canada we are swarming with relatives. Amazing!
Nice reunion. Sorry about your father.
It is a sad thing. His sister is in the same facility and yet my 94 year old uncle is sharp as a tack.
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