Pelican Inn, Pawley's Island, SC |
I grabbed a quick shot of the historic
Pelican Inn on Pawley's Island as we drove by and couldn't even tell for sure if it was open for business - but it is! There is an active web reservation site with pictures of all the room. What a grand place to stay.
Legendary. It has been on my bucket list for years! http://www.pawleyspelican.com/reservations/rates_and_reservations.html
Interesting looking place, though I think it could use a paint job!
I wonder just how the hell I can find my way to the Pelican.
When I was a kid, my dad would recite the following poem:
A wonderful bird is the pelican
His beak can hold more than his bellican
Food for a week he can hold in his beak,
And I don't know how the hellhecan.
How quaint!
Oh my, let us thank Ogden Nash for that ditty. He composed many books of entertaining rhymes.
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