Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston, S.C. |
I've brought you here before, I'll drag you here again and you will like it. Magnolia Cemetery is one of my favorite places to walk and I revisit familiar scenes each time.
Magnolia Cemetery, One of Charleston's Best Kept Secrets: The best kept secret in Charleston! The artistry of the grave stones, quiet southern gentility, pride, privilege and sacrifice are all around. Magnolia Cemetery is the final resting place for Planters, Politicians, military leaders, bootleggers, whorehouse madams - you name it, anybody from the last 150 years of Charleston's history.
Buried at Magnolia are 2,200 Civil War veterans (including the famous crew of the Confederate submarine Hunley) - a great percentage of the war's total casualties that includes five Confederate generals and 14 signers of the Ordinance of Secession. The Confederate connection probably attracts the most people, because there are so many buried here from that era. A special Confederate section contains more than 1,700 graves of the known and unknown. One reads, simply, "Unknown, Three Bodies, Fort Sumter." Here, too, are 84 bodies of South Carolinians who fell at Gettysburg and were re-interred at Magnolia.
That is a cemetery I would love to visit. Beautiful shots!
My wife and I used to love visiting old cemeteries. A couple we took to one once thought we were crazy.
These are beautiful Joan - and so much better photographed under gray skies than on sunny days.
Beautiful photos & now on my list of places to visit.
It is a great one and full of history. I see something new each time I visit.
I always seek out the local cemetery and I'm disappointed if it has no character. I now feel obligated to leave an interesting tombstone.
That seems to be when I head in that direction!
You need to go! There are quite a few cemeteries next to each other. Bethany is very interesting as well and Magnolia is right up next to St. Lawrence.
There are some great cemeteries down there. I would love to walk around in there.
You can spend days in Magnolia and never get bored. To learn more about the different styles of markers you'll see around Charleston, visit my blog at https://adventuresincemeteryhopping.wordpress.com/2013/09/20/1941/
I've been to Magnolia several times and haven't come close to seeing all it has to offer. It's quiet, full of history and offers perspective on life. Not a bad way to spend a couple of hours.
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