View of Marion Square, Charleston, S.C. |
I've been so busy lately the idea of a weekend with nothing scheduled sounded like pure heaven and so far it has been. I think everyone but me spent the day at the beach and that is the way I like it. I prefer heading to the beach when I won't have to share it with a cast of thousands. I enjoyed a pizza lunch with a water view and then dinner with my son at the Early Bird diner. My tv had been on the blink for a few days so I am catching up with recoded Daily Shows and Stephen Colbert.
Charleston Garden, Smith St., Charleston, S.C. |
I hate to think I would buy art by the yard but I have an ugly eyesore on my wall that I have to cover up with something and it is exactly one yard high. Uuugh. I've looked at prints and mirrors and finally went through my pictures to see what might enlarge to that size. Then the cost of getting a large print framed made me bang my head against the wall. Finally I tried one of the cheapo prints on canvas places with this image below from Cypress Gardens. Hope it works!
Very Avantgarde. Love it.
Maryann Hughes
Hi Maryann! Hope your adventure is going well!
I think you still have India in your veins since you don't want to go to the beach if you have to share with a caste of thousands.
I think I've made that mistake before. I'll correct it and then no one will know what you are talking about ;)
Those weekends with no strings attached are wonderful, aren't they? I strive for those, and succeed fairly often. And I try to go places right before crowds arrive or right after they leave. It sure is more relaxed that way. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. ;)
Caste of thousands!!! HAHAHAHA! (You didn't really think I wouldn't read the comments section, did you?) 8-)
As for DIY art, why not shop around local thrift / antique stores and buy a big old cheap cool-looking frame, then fill it with something? Or maybe a huge mirror would work? The main thing with DIY stuff like this is not rushing it... you have to be willing to wait long enough to find the exact thing that fits your idea. And you're right - paying to have stuff framed is INSANELY expensive. Which is why I still have original movie posters from Tomb Raider and Dracula in their tubes... unframed... I'm not willing to risk damaging them by hanging them up frameless, but I don't have the money to get them framed either.
now you need to post the resulting canvas photo transformation - I have wondered how that translates, the photo on canvas. By the way, pizza with an ocean view sounds pretty darn fabulous!
I remember a long time ago you mentioned www.collagewall.com on your blog. I was so impressed with it, I passed the link on to co-workers who looked for ideas what to do with their blank walls. Would that help solve your problem?
Whatever you do, you need to post a picture of it!
And I'm with you on a unscheduled, unplanned weekends - it's almost like free time.
Hi, Joan!! Glad you had a good day! We went to the park for an early brunch and it was a fantastic day! Anyway - love your blue bottle tree! I am going to have to "grow" one myself one day!
I'm with you. The thought of hordes of people has no appeal to me anymore. I love being in a beautiful place just before or after the peak season.
Heheh. Got me!
I've had my eye out for frames with that in mind. I almost bought a $30 mirror at a yard sale yesterday but I already have a mirror hanging in that room that I like. I'll see how this canvas thing works. I searched to find a cheap site but it may show.
Will do! Hope it works. I was a little worried about the photo being crisp at that size. Now way to know without trying.
I do remember that site. It was very cool. In this case I have to cover an eyesore that is 36 inches high and about 20 wide so smaller pieces clustered won't work. We shall see!
Hi Suzie....we are always one step ahead or behind each other it seems. I heard there was a neat new outdoor art/statue exhibition at the waterfront park in North Charleston. Let's see which one of us gets there first!
Hi Joan. I just started a blue bottle tree in my backyard. I need more so if you see any let me know. It just seems to go with my Koi ponds!
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