People's Building, Broad St., Charleston, S.C.
This is the saddest picture. I've taken quite a few photos of the pair of leopards guarding the doors of the People's Building on Broad St. but now this one is missing his mate. Vandals knocked over and destroyed his companion. I'd really like someone to solve this crime. The crime stopper number is at the bottom of the Post & Courier blurb below.
Vandals Destroy Leopard:
Vandals destroyed one of two marble leopards that have graced the entrance to a Broad Street landmark since 1957.
Sometime between 6 p.m. Thursday and 8 a.m. Friday, someone smashed one of the leopards and left it in pieces near the front entrance of the Peoples Building at 18 Broad St., according to a Charleston police incident report.
The pair of centuries-old Italian marble leopards were taken down from their pedestals in 2003 for restoration. They were returned in 2004. Anyone with information about the vandalism is asked call Charleston police at 577-7434 or Crime Stoppers at 554-1111

That is heartbreaking. So sorry for Charlestonites.
Some people should just be exiled to a place where thay can pick on each other and be mischevious to their heart's content and leave the rest of us alone. They're not worthy of being in our presence.
I'm sorry the survivor lost his mate. :(
I will never understand that kind of violence.
I hope you find out who did this.
Stuff like this usually happens with people who just don't care.
I don't understand the mindless vandalism. I hope they find who did this, but chances are they won't.
I hate this kind of vandalism. It would cost a fortune to replace the statue. I wish I'd been down there with my camera when it happened.
People just can't stand to have anything left nice. Everything has to be crapped up, if it's left within their reach. Too bad the leopards couldn't come to life and defend themselves. If I wrote the story, that's how it would end.
Joan, did you hear anyone say if the vandalized statue could be repaired/put back together? I may know some people... :0 I'm guessing probably not, though.
I have not heard anything but it ran through my mind that your folks would be the ones who could do it.
Marcheline - That would have been perfect. It was probably drunken kids on a brawl. Monday morning when I walked someone had pulled flowers out of window boxes all over downtown. Grrr.
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