Charleston, S.C.
My favorite leprechaun calls to touch base just before St. Patrick's Day each year to plan his appearance. Surely one of these days he'll lead me to the pot of gold.
Click on the Leprechaun Cam to keep an eye out for the little people. The leprechaun fairy watch webcam is in a hidden location in the field in Tipperary, Ireland. This is an enchanted area, well known for magical associations. There is fairy ring close-by and you may see leprechauns and other Irish fairies such as pookas, banshees and merrows.
The photo above, however was taken right here in the lowcountry. Isn't he perfect?
I wonder if he's the one who put the clover in my salad the other day... 8-)
Wonderful post. I'll keep an eye on that Leprechaun Cam. It looks intriguing.
Marceline - funny, my Leprechaun has a strong southern accent. Heheh.
Doug - one year he called the press himself before he came to the hospital and the tv spot went national. ;)
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