Magnolia Plantation, Charleston, S.C.
This time it isn't my usual church photo in lieu of attendance. Fooled ya.
For the second weekend in a row I packed a picnic and took someone dear to me to Magnolia Plantation. This time I explained to my favorite Deacon - Andre' (Deacon at Christ our King as well as the GM of McCrady's Restaurant) that this is my church. What place can be more spiritual than this beautiful place? He will be in church this morning but I think he understood :).
The garden is in full glory and the egrets are settling into their nests in the rookery. If you haven't had a chance to go, take a day off work early this week and drive out. You won't regret it.
Hey - I just noticed the swirl of pollen in the water under the bridge kinda looks like a heart.

Beautiful spot for meditation on nature's glory.
Oooh. I so need to get out there this week!
I think I need to take a day off work and go. Your pictures are wonderful!
Beautiful shots, Joan. Interesting how the pollen on the water is in the shape of a heart.
I do love Magnolia Gardens. Looking at God's creation beats a stuffy old church anytime.
I like going to these kind of churches.
Absolutely gorgeous. I am coming in early June. What do you think will be blooming then?
Donna - I love it through all the seasons. They always have something blooming. The crepe myrtles will be in full color then.
I'm going to try and visit the state house grounds next weekend, the flowers should be blowning there as well.
SOME keep the Sabbath going to church;
I keep it staying at home,
With a bobolink for a chorister,
And an orchard for a dome.
Some keep the Sabbath in surplice;
I just wear my wings,
And instead of tolling the bell for church,
Our little sexton sings.
God preaches,—a noted clergyman,—
And the sermon is never long;
So instead of getting to heaven at last,
I ’m going all along!
These photos are so beautiful! Magnolia Plantation is by far my favorite one in Charleston.
I came across your blog a couple of weeks ago and your posts are so fun. You inspired me to start a blog of my own! I live in charleston as well and it is nice to see that other enjoy the town as much as I do.
Joan, I am doing it! I am taking today off work and we are heading to Magnolia Gardens! Yea! Thanks for motivating me.
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