Magnolia Plantation, Charleston, S.C.
I love Magnolia Plantation during every season but it is the most magical place right now. I packed a picnic, met my friend Pam D. and we made a morning of it. There are still some camellias in bloom and the azalea show is just beginning. By next weekend they should be in their full glory. Go, if you can.
We walked the flower garden first, and saw everything we should - a carolina wren building a nest, lazy gators and fat bumble bees. After our picnic we walked the Audubon Swamp Walk through the spring madness of the rookery. The egrets are building nests in all the trees and photographers with heavy long camera lens are staked out waiting for action shots. It is amazing.

I have some cherished memories and photos of being at Magnolia one spring with my future wife. It was one of those years when everything bloomed at once, and it was what my heaven would look like.
Les - It is such a beautiful spot. I renewed my pass for the year.
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