Unitarian Cemetery, Archdale St., Charleston, S.C.
I walked this morning through the old Unitarian Cemetery on Archdale St. just before the rain started. The camellias are in their glory and I love the browning petals on the ground as much as the rare perfect bloom. I think I may need to get some camellia bushes for myself. All I have is one white bush.
I love the saying on this tombstone. It makes me hope the couple had a long and happy marriage.
I hope everyone has had a good weekend. According to my tradition I have left all my chores to do in the last few hours. Blah. Anyone want to come over and do my taxes for me?

I've likely said it before, but this is my favorite Charleston cemetery. My wife's favorite tombstone saying is "I told you I was sick".
Joan - I so miss the explosion of colors that happens in South Carolina in March. And camellias are one of my favorites!
Les - heh, that's my favorite, too. It's on a tombstome in Key West.
Oh, oh - I've seen it! I have a print of it somewhere, before digital days. They had a few funny ones in the Key West Cemetery.
"...lovely and pleasant in theirs live together."
I don't know, sounds like pure propaganda to me.
Beach Bum - Surely it's gotta work for some people. ;)
Beautiful pictures. The south is indeed beautiful in springtime.
I stumbled upon your website and it makes me happy every day. Counting the days until my return to Charleston after living in the north since 1983. You capture everything I love about Charleston. Used to frequently meet my boyfriend in this graveyard.
Stumbled upon your site and it makes me happy every day. You capture everything I love about Charleston. Counting the days till I move back after living in the north since 1983. Used to often meet my boyfriend in that graveyard. Very romantic spot.
Sorry for the double comment.
No problem :)
Let me know anything you want a picture of and I will try to track it down!
Wonderful shots of the cemetery, especially the first one and of course the camelias.
Thanks for these pics Joan - I used to walk by that cemetery every day on my way to class...it was always beautiful. I especially love the entrance from King St.
bfarr - thank you!
I love the tombstone!!
I love this cemetery, I had to write a novel for an english class in college and spent the afternoon walking through the cemetery drawing inspiration from what I saw and felt there. I ended up writing about a mother and daughter in Charleston, who were named after a mother and daughter I found there.
on a side note, I love your blog. I found about it last summer when you photographed some friends and I on cannon street and we looked you up, I have been following you since then!! Even though I am now gone from Charleston, your blog keeps me connected to home!
Becka - that makes me happy. Thank you!
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