Pinopilos, S.C.
Unrelated to the cute little building in Pinopolis, here are a couple of things that made me smile this week:
South Carolina can't seem to stay out of the news lately. Don't mess with our spareribs!
Another funny one: Prenatal Ultrasonographer's jobs are getting easier!
Bird on a wire. This is so cool.
Funniest Pacifier. Heheh.
Greatest Hits of You Tube in 4 Minutes. I hate to admit I've seen most of them.
Climbing wall at James Island County Park. I don't think so. No.
Awwww........look, you can get sock monkey embroidery patterns for sewing machines. Coolness.
My brother Jim has finally started a blog. He was born in the hills of north east India and leads eco/adventure travel. Go say hey! Actually, go say "Khublei" which is the proper greeting in the Khasi hills country.
I love weekends. Hope yours is sweet.
Don't ya want to know what's behind that door?
Awesome blog. Great photos.
I'll be back.
Viewing fom the upstate...
Wildstorm - I do!
DJ - Thank you.
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