Charleston Stage Company Gala, Gaillard Auditorium, Charleston, S.C.
Sleepy me. I need to get to my bed since my work week isn't finished yet, but I wanted to post this picture before I crashed. I have a few more minutes to squeeze in a daily photo for today.
These are the big kids in the restaurant world in Charleston. If you have a top favorite place to eat, the chef is probably included in this picture. Wow. What an event. Each chef took care of three tables and I was a guest at the McCrady's table (lucky me!). They had all the chefs come up to be recognized and although I was not event photographer I snuck a quick shot. Chef Sean Brock is in the top row, third in from the left wearing his "Make Cornbread Not War" ball cap.
The event was to raise money for the Charleston Stage Theater Company and in between they gave us teasers of upcoming shows. Now I have "don't cry for me Argentina" stuck in my head.
I am nodding off at the keyboard. Y'all turn the lights out.

And I was expecting you to say you were running away with Juan Peron. Oh well, the food and song will have to do. Looks like a lot of fun!
That song, it sticks in my head for days. Of course I picture Madonna singing it from the balcony. "Don't cry for my Argentina....."
Too bad I can't sing.
The food was absolutely delicious. Nothing like top chefs showing off.
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