05 August 2009

Accidental Filter

Charleston, S.C.

Like this accidental vignette filter? It is a budget filter effect caused by taking a camera out of deliciously cool air conditioning to our humid heat. I took a few shots as the lens gradually cleared from the inside out. Neato.

This is the new meditation walking labyrinth in the gardens under the oaks at Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital. The fence is down, the fountains is bubbling but it hasn't been formally opened so you are getting a sneak preview foggy peak at it. It is a breathtaking spot.


Lowell said...

Nicely done! You are a creative photographer!

Marcheline said...

Amazing how it perfectly frames the tree.... we have a labyrinth here on Long Island too! At the top of a hill in a park on the north shore. Way cool.

Ma' said...

Awesome photo--the heat/humidity here of late IS good for something!!

Charlestonjoan said...

Jacob - thank you!

Marcheline - this is a neato one. I don't think there are many in this area.

Ma' - The heat has been a challenge lately. I keep forgetting it when I pop outside to take a picture.

Suzie said...

I love your trees. I try but can never capture them. Have a good weekend!