Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston, SC
Does it seem like everyone is sick lately?
A man walking home alone at night hears a "bump, bump, bump" behind him. He walks faster and looking back, makes out the image of an upright coffin banging it’s way down the middle of the street towards him.
“Bump…bump….bump…” The man begins to run towards his home, and the coffin bounces after him faster…faster…"Bump, bump, bump".
He runs up to his door, fumbles with his keys, opens the door and locks it behind him.
The coffin crashes through his door and the lid to the coffin begins to lift open, bumping towards him.
The man runs to the bathroom and locks himself, heart pounding. Crash! The coffin breaks down the door, coming slowly towards him, the man screaming...
He reaches for something, anything....
He finds a bottle of Robitussin and it at the coffin…
...and the coffin stops.
Busy day, kids. I've been here, I've been there. I've been everywhere.
Funny one, made me giggle.
It's so deliciously silly!
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