Beth Caldwell, Nichole Cassells, Stacey Dodd, Diane Story, Me
I've been asked for pictures from the Tom Brokaw gala so here we go! It turned out to be perfect being the Priest's date. I was able to run around, take pictures and everyone got a kick out of it. Every time someone asked where my date was I said he was probably off flirting with some other woman. Heh. I am kidding - Father Terry Fleming was a terrific dinner companion and I felt very lucky to be included. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
The evening started with a special reception and opportunity for the high level donors to have their picture taken with the guest of honor in the Gucci store. I was alone, so I wandered in with all the invited couples, acting like I belonged (a camera is such a handy prop) and said I was by myself. Mr. Brokaw posed with me and said it could be our "prom picture".
I work with Councilman Tim Scott's mama so I am going to have to find out who this adorable gal is. Tom Brokaw was seated with Governor Sanford. The two ladies in matching dresses found each other and had a laugh knowing they both looked great and came to find me for a picture. I got to meet Shepard Fairey's mother (in the peach dress) and asked if they had his Obama poster framed on their wall (it's not framed but they do).
I adore Dr. Samuel Rosen and his wife had on the most beautiful vintage dress that had been her mother's. Besides my saintly date, I got to sit with Susan & John Kresse, Chris Kerrigan (Director of Trident United Way) and his wife and everyone's dearly beloved Dr. Angus Baker and his wife.
Since I generally pile my hair up in a clip it was pretty obvious that I had a special "do" for the occasion and that Sabriam at Whisper's on Wentworth had primped me and pumped at least two cans of hair spray on to hold a curl. We were lucky the camera flash didn't ignite my hair.
Much fun for a worthy cause and certainly an out of the ordinary event for me. I had a great time. The theme for the event was Casablanca and the folks from Stello Photography were the professional photographers for the evening. I appreciate their patience with me and I tried my hardest not to trip them while they did their job.

What great fun! And you look beautiful - love the dress.
You look gorgeous, and the hair too!
Where was this at?
Susan: It was great fun!
Julia: Thank you. Since I haven't been going to a hairdresser at all it seems okay to splurge once a year. :)
Anon: It was at the Charleston Place Hotel.
What a beautiful dress, Japee! You look radiant.
Marcheline - Thank you! I had a great time.
Cute purse. Wait, no, that's a camera bag ;-)
Heheh. So it is :) I was thinking of designing a line of fake camera bag purses.
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