25 December 2008

Brunch on King

Brunch on King St., Charleston, SC

Aaack! I couldn't believe my eyes. King St. was quiet on Christmas morning but it's still pretty nervy for a hawk to have a leisurely breakfast on the sidewalk in front of a store. He wasn't budging until he finished. Amazing.


Anonymous said...

It's probably the only time he gets to eat on King Street, literally, without distraction.

Anonymous said...

True. I couldn't believe me eyes. Lucky the people living behind the door were out of town or they could have opened the door and stepped on it.

Anonymous said...

Sadly this entry is being found by people googling "Brunch on King".

Anonymous said...

Hi Joan
Incredible photograph, if I was squeamish I would feel sorry for the pigeon?, however I am not. Life in tooth and claw. All I know of Charleston is from Bill Bryson book.

Anonymous said...

Paul, Yes, poor pigeon. I saw another hawk swoop down to pick one up on Market St. It was easy to get this picture. I think he had fed himself into a stupor and wasn't moving until he was done.

I googled to see what Bill Bryson had to say. He described Charleston but claimed South Carolina was boring. I have found it to be the opposite of that.

Julie said...

Good image, Joan. Sorry to say, but my regards are with the Hawk - pigeons are the bane of my life!

Anonymous said...

Julie - Thanks for all the comments. I love them. You aren't the first person to say that about pigeons :)