10 October 2011

Through the glass window

Queen St., Charleston, S.C.
Rain, rain and I walked for over an hour in it. My house is for sale. Friends know that although I haven't spoken of it here. It's time for me to find foster parents for my tenants and downsize to something more suitable for the lazy, little old lady I aspire to become.

My house is a quirky Charleston house though and not suitable for everyone so I'll wait for the right person and it's not a bad place to do my waiting. I got an email this morning saying someone wanted to traipse through the house from 5:30 to 6 pm. I was at work of course and couldn't magically and remotely whisk piles of papers away or cram any unfolded laundry back into the dryer. So, I squeaked home just early enough for a fifteen minute spit and polish and then headed out into the rain.

I walked in and out of shops to stay dry, drooled on jackets at Half Moon Outfitters. I turned off East Bay onto Queen and spotted this face looking at me from the RLS Gallery. Ending up at Caviar & Bananas I took advantage of their salad sampler deal and got a tiny dab of almost everything in the deli case to finish putting in my time. There is no sign of anyone being in the house, no agent's card left. My guess is that they cancelled but I'll probably never know. 


  1. Love the window picture, windows and doors my favorites. Lucky duck somebody getting your nice house :)

  2. I'd love to have that picture for my abode. Incidentally, call the agent and give 'em hell. Damned inconsiderate and rude, I'd say!

  3. Love the glimpse into that invitingly warm, cozy room! Selling a house, especially one that is well loved is one of the hardest things, I can imagine how you must be feeling right now! Pretty darn rude of them to not follow through like that!

  4. Looks cozy, nice and warm.

  5. Congrats on taking the "big step". It may seem awkward at first not having a big 'ol house to wander around in, but after a while you'll realize how much less complicated your life is. I find it a very good trade-off. For now you'll find keeping things abnormally tidy a pain in the ___ , just waiting for a showing to happen. That's just part of it. Ugh!

    Now don't be giving us the "little old lady" spiel. You might have a rocking chair, but it will be a collapseable one that you can strap to your backpack/kayak as you walk/float round the world. ;)


  6. good luck with this. it's a great shot. i suspect you'll be given several opportunities to get out on photo shoots while prospective buyers come sniffing around your home.

  7. Have you ever had bubble tea? Caviar and bananas is the only place I can find it in Chas.

  8. I don't imagine a house like mine will sell anytime soon in this market so I'm camped here for the time being. That's why I do need to leap into action if someone actually wants to look at the house. It is a nuisance since there are three of us on the property and I appreciate my tenant's patience. I am not going anywhere - just want a small single residence home now that I am by myself.

    Bubble tea? Never heard of it!


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