09 October 2011

My Octoberfest

Fall in South Carolina

I sat with good friends under tall pine trees yesterday catching up on gossip and eating well. After they left I went for a walk and found a few signs that summer is slipping away. October in the lowcountry is one of my favorite times of the year. Those looked like Magnolia leaves in that first picture. Is that what Magnolia blossoms do? Have I never paid attention before? Red?


  1. Fall is the best time, after the intense heat and humidity goes away you can actually go outside and breathe.

    Yes, after those white petals on the magnolia blooms fall away, they turn into these cone-like things with red seeds. I understand that especially songbirds like those red seeds, since they are high in fat and give them energy for their migration to the South.

    Love your pictures!

  2. It always pleases me to realize how photography has sharpened our powers of observation.

  3. love that first spanish moss shot! excellent observation skills being put to use in this post.

  4. Kate - you are right. It makes it look for things in different ways.

    brattcat - thank you! I love Spanish Moss.

  5. Oh, Joan! Stay safe; I just watched the evening weather news and it looks dire for your area.

  6. Thanks Kate! Hoping to avoid flooding today.


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